Someone once said, " If you can't relax here, you need medical attention."


Day visiting is once again available at Mountian Sanctuary Park. after much deliberation we have opted to allow this, under condition and at the discrection of the owners.

anyone breaking the rules, at all, or disturbing guests, not abiding by gate times, or found to be trying to manipulate the booking rules, will be forced to leave and blacklisted. we ask all our guests, to please report any bad behaviour, any violoation of rules,or anyhting untoward, so that we may continue to offer day visiting and monitor the situation carefully. your assistance in this is appreciated.

please note the rules and regulations carefully before booking, as we have a no nonsence policy and all day visitors will be carefully monitored

no cooler boxes are allowed in, and no alcohol. as a day visitor you will be allowed on the hikes, and to use the main pool, but may not utilise camp sites and we ask that you please be respectful of the guests, staff, and rules of MSP at all times

NO DRONES are allowed.

3 hour guided hike, per person R 260

4.5 hour guided hike, per person R 380

day visitor rate adult R 215

day visitor rate child under 12 years R 150

Entry fee per vehicles, caravans and trailers R 100

MCSA parking R 100


we still offer guided hikes, offering a wonderful experience.


Guided hikes


please note, that guided hikes are approx 3-4.5 hrs, from your allocated time, if you are late, your hike will be cut short


Rules and regulations of the reserve must be followed at all times. Any one in the group breaking the rules, or causing a disturbance, will result in the whole group having to leave.

ALCOHOL IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE BROUGHT ON TO THE PREMISES. no cooler boxes are allowed, NO MUSIC, shouting screaming, or any noise will be tolerated at all, at any time.

no drones. please respect the Sanctuary and other guests.


3 hr guided hike per adult/couple R720

3 hr guided hike for 3 or more people R350 per person

3 hr guided hike (groups over 10 people), per person R300


4.5 hr guided hike per adult/couple R920

4.5 hr guided hike for 3 or more people R450 per person

4.5 hr guided hike (groups over 10 people) per person R400


special group rates may apply midweek on request